SIMI is the WARRIORESS of Emboding the Dance of Creation with her flowing movement & artistic intelligence, she moves with beautiful vision to behold.

She is the creative force behind the new print designs of the warrioress range, not only does she move with radiance she designs with an exquisite eye too. She has her own tee design business where she paints motifs evocative of her passions ~ nature & femininity.

Simi embodies the divine feminine in her dance & designs & that is why she possesses this Warrioress essence & here she shares her passions & how approaches her life with such grace...


1) Motivations: What makes you strive & thrive? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Finding the authentic self. Exploring life through joys and fears for grow and evolve.

My creative soul wants to express fully in my unique way, connect with nature and people.


2) Inspirations: What / who / where inspires you? What influences your actions/life?

I get inspiration from people that are authentic and creative. 

People that use their own gift as a medicine for others. It motivates and reminds me that my simple actions can affect life of others . 


3) Self care: What rituals / routines / practices / training do you use to nurture / strengthen your self?

Intuitive dance in the nature has becoming a weekly routine. I feel a big sense of freedom and it warms my heart. I connect much more with my breathing and It recharges my body .

As a print designer I draw most of the time. My favourite technique is watercolour painting. I find beauty in the process & when I see colour blending in an unpredictable way. It’s a meditative practice.


4) Self belief: What do you believe about yourself? How does that affect what you do?

I believe it‘s my own responsibility to create my dream life. I believe in the power of manifestations and trusting life process.

I embrace my life with a positive approach, knowing that I will get where I want to go & at my own time.

This way of thinking has allowed me to live in the present moment without too many expectations and I accept with gratefulness what I already have.


5) Warrioress: your favourite style from the range & why?

I am proud to be the print designer of the new Warrioress collection. It’s such a joy for me to see my designs becoming real & alive on this amazing activewear brand.

I am in love with the Sun Mandala top + shorts. They are super comfortable as I use them to flow with my movements.

The pink colour-way match my own taste. Looking at the pattern it gives me a desire of spreading radiance and vibrating with my own light.

Dancing in the Blue Mountains, in her elements, thank you for sharing your gentle heart.

Connect with Simi on instagram @simi_dreamer

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